Build a Positive Mindset Team

An important element to anyone’s “tool-chest for success” is building a positive mindset team.

Are you familiar with this saying?

“You are the sum of the five people closest to you?”

Before you “poo-poo” this idea, stop and reflect a bit. It is a very powerful saying that is oh so true. Take a good, close look at who you are closest to in your life and without a doubt, you discover that you have very similar habits and lifestyle preferences, or you are at least on you’re way to matching them.

It’s time to give some serious thought to who you surround yourself with don’t you think?

If you are trying to improve your overall lifestyle to a healthier you, for example, and you surround yourself with people who are not focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but consistently make poor food choices concerning diet and never workout in any way, you’ve made your journey twice as hard as it needs to be!

It’s much harder to maintain your healthy position when there is a tempting pizza right in front of you.

Most people, if put in this position cave, and that’s why it’s essential that they distance themselves from anyone who is not on board with similar health goals, at least at the beginning of your journey, when you are more vulnerable to set-backs.

If the people you surround yourself with are not mirroring what you want to have in your own personal life, you are just making things harder for yourself.

This is why, when focused on changing your mindset from a negative to a more positive one, the very first thing that needs tending is to take a close, honest assessment of those who are around you.

Ask yourself:

Are the people you are surrounding yourself with the ones who also maintain a positive mindset?

Are these people consonantly looking for ways to improve themselves – ways to grow as an individuals?

Are they involved with regular learning, regular action taking to improve their lives, and do they maintain a high degree of positivity on a day to day basis?

Now, this does not mean that you should ditch your closest friends that may not be 100% positive. However, if you find that your five closest people aren’t the positive action-taker and go-getter’s that you want to become yourself, then you simply may want to consider how much time you spend around them and start looking to connect with other people that are more oriented in this manner.

Remember, everyone, including you will go through some tough times when you just want to toss in the towel. Having positive people in yourlife, especially those who have been through similar situations, can help provide valuable tips and advice to make it easier for you.

Start now to build a support team – these people can come from anywhere, even those you meet and converse with online count. Surround yourself with these people and then you will be seeing a major difference in how your feel and how you approach your own life.

Check out “Super Productivity Secrets.” It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library developed and written for entrepreneurs and others that are ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Healthy Bodies Build Healthy Self-Confidence…

The confidence you exude to others is a major player in the results you experience in life.

Unfortunately, it is not something that can be learned and there are no set of rules to follow because healthy self-confidence is actually a state of mind – a result of the feelings of acceptance and self-love of mind and body as well as a firm belief in skills, ability and past experience.

Although confidence is closely related to self-esteem, they are not the same thing.

What we do, say and think (feeling worthy or not) is reflected in our self-esteem but how we feel about our ability to successfully perform any tasks, roles or functions assigned to us is reflected (or not) in our confidence.

Often times, those with low confidence also suffer from low self-esteem but those with good self-esteem can also suffer low confidence.

How we feel about ourselves, the way we look (someone who is proud of their appearance presents themselves differently – they come across as secure about who they are and what they say) and think (feeling worthy or not) is reflected in our self-esteem but how we feel about our ability to successfully perform any tasks, roles or functions assigned to us is reflected (or not) in our confidence.

Successful entrepreneurs and business people know that a healthy body breeds healthy self-confidence and healthy self-esteem and because of that, they wholeheartedly embrace healthy living.

Without strong self-confidence driving them, they cannot approach or secure investors, gain funding or sell their product successfully to customers. In other words, they must be at the top of their game if running a successful business and influencing others is important to them.

Entrepreneurs are full aware that success is built upon healthy confidence and self-esteem levels. They understand the principle that it’s not about working harder but working smarter with all their faculties working for them not against them.

Successful entrepreneurs have their priority list in order and they treat their health as a lifestyle not an occasional occurrence. They are fully aware that a few weeks without challenging exercise or eating a consistently poor diet can and will begin to have severe negative implications on their health and body. Not something any of them can busy entrepreneur can afford to take lightly.

The reality is, they cannot function at peak performance and be in great physical shape if their eating and exercise habits are not healthy and consistent and neither can you.

Working on your physical appearance with challenging exercise (liking the image you see reflected in the mirror goes a long way towards boosting your self-confidence) and proper eating habits is the quickest and surest way to build your self-confidence levels and boost your self-esteem. They are key ingredients to feeling energetic and confident. When the body receives what it needs in the way of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins, and it gets the right amount of challenging exercise, it shows in your appearance making you feel better about yourself automatically.

Find a role model – or a few of them and watch and learn from those that are successfully fulfilling their goals and dreams. Bask in their light and allow their healthy self-confidence, eating and exercise habits to rub off on you.

Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Don’t expect instant results but give your self-confidence and self-esteem a chance to grow and get strong. Learn to trust in and take baby steps, each one making you that much stronger.

Two Key Elements:

Watch your diet. What you eat can and does affect your moods which in turn affects your self-confidence. For example, if you allow your blood sugar to drop too low or you might find yourself in a grouchy mood – not a healthy state to be in if you want to attract customers or “seal a deal.”

Focus on exercise because it not only promotes a lean healthy attractive body (one you will be proud of), it boosts your hormonal levels by stimulating the production of endorphins – your feel good brain chemicals. So, not only does your body gain benefit with exercise but your mind and mood does too.

As a bonus, healthy self-confidence also breeds assertiveness – an important trait in standing up for yourself and your beliefs (being your own person) and not giving way to someone else’s ideas.

Break the cycle of no exercise, poor eating habits, low self-confidence and poor self-esteem and replace it with a positive cycle of challenging exercise, healthy eating habits, healthy self-confidence, high self-esteem and healthy assertiveness.

Truth is, our mind and body are intimately linked – our bodies are affected by what’s in our minds and our bodies (how they look and how they feel) can also change how we feel emotionally.

Bottom line is this: when you are confident about your body the chances are much greater that you will feel this confidence in other areas of your life such as business and relationships.

Remember, positive people feel good about themselves and this translates to self-confidence and strong self-esteem. That’s what you want to attract in your life.

Check out “Super Productivity Secrets.” It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library developed and written for entrepreneurs and others that are ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Learning is a “Process” not an End…

The ability to stay hungry and keep learning is as necessary and important a trait for anyone following the entrepreneurship path as perseverance and patience are.

Successful entrepreneurs thrive on the “experience” of learning.

In fact, possibly the greatest entrepreneur of all, Richard Branson himself states on Twitter that “Entrepreneurs must keep learning.” You think he knows something?

Learning is not just about what’s between the pages of a book cover. Although formal education plays into the process of success, it’s only part of the equation. What you learn between the covers of a book are only the beginning of your journey.


It’s not the “formal education” that makes you smart or successful but the ongoing seduction/learning that you embrace after leaving school.


Entrepreneurial Tips:

Successful entrepreneurs are always looking for new ideas to try and open themselves to expert advice by seeking out mentors in their respective fields. They know that continual learning is mandatory for continual success and seek out experts that can bring fresh new insights to whatever their current challenge is.

Successful entrepreneurs are open-minded, they do not get stuck in the successes or defeats of “yesterday.” They do not live in the past, but are ready and willing to explore new terrain and open themselves to new possibilities.

Successful entrepreneurs act boldly in any situation, and recover quickly from any supposed “set-back” learning what they need to/can and moving onto new territory.


Learning is a fun, amazing, mind-expanding, question-opening tool that transforms you into a better, more well-informed successful person/business person.

Learning is mandatory. It’s what brings excitement, fun, freshness and success to everything you do. Learning is evolution in process, you’re either in the process of evolving or you’re dying.


In this rapidly changing world – appropriately termed “information age,” information is readily available and moves at a rapid pace through the web. It is the perfect avenue to expand expertise and knowledge in any field or passion. Websites, blogs, webinars, seminars and ebooks all offer opportunities to open yourself to learning and expanding your knowledge base.

Failure to an entrepreneur is “par for the course” and part of the learning and growing process. Truth is, if you’re not improving, someone else is. 

Entrepreneurs don’t view learning as an “option” but as an “opportunity.” They don’t fall back on excuses but look for ways through any obstacle that may surface. And, they value those that have gone before and are not afraid to tap into their knowledge to access the “fast path” and avoid potential roadblocks or mistakes.

The reality is, if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. Surround yourself with “those in the know” …literally. The more you surround yourself with experienced or highly skilled people the more knowledge you open yourself to and the quicker your own growth.

Remember, positive people feel good about themselves and this translates to self-confidence and strong self-esteem. 

Check out “Super Productivity Secrets.” It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library developed and written for entrepreneurs and others that are ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Actions Turn Visions into Realty…

Vision and Action

Pushing through hard times takes lots of courage, determination, resilience, patience and tenacity among other healthy virtues.


Hard times are frustrating at best but everyone has to face them at some point. How you deal with them – as a victim or someone in control – determines whether or not your life is impacted in a positive or negative way.


The best way to stay on track in any endeavor and come out ahead is to have a “game plan” in place before you begin that you can turn to, one that helps you push through and promote the proper positive mindset despite the “seemingly” worst kinds of circumstances that you might be confronted with in your journey.

“Game-plan” is the keyword here. Your “game-plan” is essentially your “action plan.” Having an “action plan” in place helps to keep you moving forward – it gives you something to focus on and reach for.



Action plans are simple enough to put into place…

Start the process by thinking about what your situation is, where you currently are and where you would like to be going.

Now, ask yourself “how can I get there?”

What steps can I take that will move me in a positive direction towards my goal?

Let’s face the truth, no one has ever created anything by sitting on a chair and thinking about it. Imagining something is the first step in the creative process, and a very powerful one, but it does not end there. You must take your creation from your creative “inner screen” of imagination to the outer world of form and you do that by taking action.

Taking action lifts you out of “thinking/dwelling” on your situation – a passive bystander with little or no control – to one who takes action by putting forth solid effort to move themselves forward.


Action is the step that moves “energy” in the physical realm. Action steps energize you and make you feel better – they put you in control and erase any feelings of being a “victim.”


When you feel in control of your destiny and your future – you also feel empowered.

Think of it this way:

You’ve imagined writing a book. So, you wait and you wait for the right moment, but the right moment never comes. because, unfortunately, you’re trying to create from the outside in. That’s backwards. 


The correct process is to start writing your book, start moving the energy – and watch as the right moment reveals itself and the words begin to flow forth once you take action.

Connect your action step with your “inner vision” and watch as magic happens.


Sit on the sidelines and wait for the “right moment” and your book never happens. It’s the action step that finishes the creative equation.

Dreaming of a lean body with strong muscles and healthy bones? You’ll never get there by dreaming about it. Create an action plan, set it in place and most important of all, put it into play (don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help when needed. Each one of us contributes a different perspective to issues and that “someone” may very well have the answer you are seeking). But, you’ll never know if you are too stubborn to “ask.”

If you are having trouble sticking to your exercise routines or getting yourself to the gym, it might be time to indulge the help of a personal trainer to get you physically and mentally back on track. If emotional eating is an issue with you, seek help from a counselor that deals in those sorts of issues. Receiving help from experts, helps us to regain control and begin moving in the right direction quickly and efficiently.

Most of all, remember that everything we do, provides a valuable lesson learned, information that we’ll use going forward. All experiences are learning experiences that help us to grow and become better individuals. Every experience should end by reflecting inward on what has been learned through the experience and how it can help you to further position yourself in the direction you want to go.

Looking to discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about? 

“Super Productivity Secrets” is the answer you’ve been searching for. Written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity, it is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library.

Your Thoughts Dictate Your Actions…

The human mind is an amazing tool. It generates both positive and negative thoughts and there is always a conflict between them. What wins out is shown through our actions and behavior towards things. If our mind is full of positive ideas on dealing with everyday life, our way of thinking also becomes positive, if it is full of negative thinking then that is what plays out.

Positive Thoughts –

We can define the term “positive” as confident, optimistic and focused on good things as opposed to bad things. Therefore, positive thoughts are those that bring confidence, optimism and focus to us as an individual. Positive thought breeds a positive outlook in life.

Optimistic, positive thinking includes thoughts such as: “I am smart. I am open to new ideas and knowledge,” “I stand out in a crowd with my magnetic smile” and of course “I can, therefore I will.”

Simple “I can’s and I am’s” are the perfect way to start cultivating a mind filled with positive thoughts.

Negative Thoughts –

Negative is the opposite of positive. You could define it as “being pessimistic or tending to have an undesirable outlook.” These types of “mind thoughts” are nonconstructive ideas that discourage us from being someone or doing something. They pull us down so we are unlikely to believe in ourselves or in what we do and achieve.

When we formulate limiting beliefs about what is possible for us to accomplish, our response is to limit and bind any actions we take. As a result, the results we experience are limited.

Negative thoughts are evil and many times observable on the faces of people entertaining them. No, not, don’t, can’t, won’t and what ifs are all types of negative thinking that destroy rather than create. These types of limited thoughts hold you back and build a wall between you and your goals. They keep you from doing something without even trying.

Truth is, our minds our boundless when it comes to generating thoughts. When an issue occurs, it immediately goes to work making a list of all possible solutions, regardless of whether they are acceptable or unacceptable or even possible.

It’s at this point of disturbance that the clash begins. The positive thought “yes, I can” and the negative thought “no, I can’t” compete. The accepted and prized thought is what then moves into action. If our belief is that we are likely to fail, then the subconscious gets to work producing actions that support this belief. On the flip side, when we trust we’re going to succeed then then our subconscious goes to work setting the table for success.

It is our actions that speak loud and clear and reveal what kind of thoughts have been dominating our minds. These are the thoughts we carry around and entertain on a daily basis. If there is something that needs working out, it is not our actions that need tending to first…but our thoughts which lead to those actions.

We must get life working for us. Since all our behavior results from the thoughts that precede it, our focus should not be on the “behavior” exhibited but the thing that is causing this behavior…our thoughts.

Both positive and negative thinking have power over us. It’s entirely up to us which one we choose to empower us since both shape our future and create out destiny…just bringing different results.

Always keep in mind the fact that your thoughts are more important than the actions you take. If you keep yourself in a constant positive frame of mind, you will be able to keep your motivation to achieve optimal health strong and resilient. With strong motivation behind you, achieving your goals becomes much easier.

Remember, positive people feel good about themselves and this translates to self-confidence and strong self-esteem. 

Check out “Super Productivity Secrets.” It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library developed and written for entrepreneurs and others that are ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

What Your Priority List Reveals About Your Self-Worth…


What your priority list reveals about your self-worth and how your self-worth dictates priority list… they are intimately linked.

Getting to the root of why you are not presently taking healthy consistent actions to permanently solve your body and health problems takes some seriously honest self-reflection. 

In order to make health and fitness a primary objective, the first thing you must do is examine how you “value” yourself, your self-esteem. What is your self-worth and what’s on top of your priority list?

That’s all that really matters and the standard from which your actions spring from. It effects every area of your life.

The reality is, you are the only person you can control and the only person that can benefit from your passion to live a much higher quality of life is YOU. YOU are the one empowered to do so for yourself, no one else can touch your controls.

You must consciously, with intent, make up your mind and decide without waver that YOU really do deserve to look and feel your best and then take the proper action steps towards getting there. You must stop treating your health and fitness as an option that is out of your control and embrace the fact that greater mentality and emotional health with higher levels of energy are your birthright. You must make them the priority and place them at the top of your “value list” rather than simply taking them for granted.

You must “perceive it” from the point of view that settling for anything less than the best for yourself is nothing less than disrespectful and undeserving of yourself. You are worth way more than that.

That’s the attitude you need to nurture and own.

When you shift how you view yourself (your perspective), you automatically place your health and fitness at the top of your “value scale.” They become your priorities rather than disposable tasks. You begin making healthier decisions automatically because you are coming from healthier perspectives about yourself.

When you make the firm decision to leave your “unhealthy, feel bad body” and go after a “feel good, strong, energetic, fit body” you make a declaration about who you are and what you are prepared to accept for your life.



This means you will no longer settle for nor will you continue to spend your days enjoying anything less than excellent health and high levels of energy.

Don’t fall into the trap that snares others who end up suffering poor health physically and emotionally. Even if health has never been a priority in your life before now, you can begin right this moment, no matter what your age to making good healthy decisions concerning your life and daily habits.

Never settle for less…remember your value. Putting your health and fitness first is about looking after YOU.

You know in your heart that “nothing good in life will simply drop into your lap” – you must decide what you want from life, and then take action to GET IT.

No one is empowered to flip this “switch” inside of you, but you. This is your “journey to health and fitness” – you are in control and it begins with your values.

To effect real change in your life, you must supply the reasons, the motivations for doing so. If you don’t value yourself enough to believe you deserve something, you will never be motivated to earnestly reach for it.

Health is the greatest wealth you can achieve and the grand-prize for achieving it is “living.” It is the greatest single investment you can ever make.

Your personal health is the most valuable possession you have and without it no other possession has meaning. If you truly value yourself and your health then “go for it”…take the necessary action steps required to bring it into manifestation. Every single day is under your control and open to new possibilities.

Maintaining a healthy, fit, lifestyle is a commitment to regular exercise and healthy eating on an ongoing basis. Don’t wait for a health crisis/diagnosis to shock you into placing “value” where it needs to be. Do everything you can to stay healthier longer now.

Love and value yourself, know your self-worth and honor it. Everything else including your health, fitness and happiness will follow suit.

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets”  is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs and anyone ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Foods that Boost Brain Power


What we eat affects more than just our physical appearance. What we eat also affects how well our brain is operating.

Truth is, diet matters for both the body and the mind and choosing the right foods can considerably boost brain power and kick your memory into high gear.

For example, it has been proven that antioxidants reverse age as well as disease related memory and learning deficits. So, if brain power and cognitive performance are important to you, opting for foods high in antioxidants would be wise choices. Some antioxidant rich food choices are: berries – especially blueberries, fruits and veggies such as spinach and carrots. Green tea and even dark chocolate (always in moderation) are also great sources.


Foods that boost Brain Power:

Oily fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy brain fats. They are essential for sustaining optimal memory and overall brain performance and fresh fish is abundant with them. Enjoying fish such as salmon or sardines a few times weekly helps your memory improve.

Coconut oil

Medium chain fatty acids are a source of high energy for the brain and they are abundant in coconut oil. This makes coconut oil the perfect brain fuel. It is the ideal high temperature healthy cooking oil because it does not turn to harmful trans-fat when used at high temperatures, You can consume coconut oil as it is, mix it in your morning coffee, smoothies or even yogurt. Be sure to purchase cold-pressed coconut oil.


Another super power when it comes to boosting memory, a recent paper published in Annals of Neurology revealed that women who consume large amounts of berries experience a slower rate of memory loss. Additionally, berries offer high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanidins…both associated with lower rates of cognitive decline. Blueberries are especially good at protecting our brains from stress and degeneration. Strawberries are another great choice.


Thought of as brain food, this tasty nut is even shaped like a little brain, a huge hint from Mother Nature to its effectiveness. It is empowered to boost memory and is an excellent source of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid which the body uses to make DHA. It also contains the antioxidant ellagic acid that helps to protect the brain from free-radical damage.


Often thought of as a vegetable, avocados are, without doubt, one of the healthiest fruits you can consume when it comes to boosting brain power. They are empowered to help protect against stroke by preventing blood clots in the brain. Rich in vitamin K, B, vitamin C and folate, they help improve both memory and concentration.  Among all fruits, the mighty avocado provides the highest protein and lowest sugar content of all fruits.


High in cancer-protecting antioxidants, beets help rid your blood of toxins and boost blood flow to the brain helping mental performance. These red to purple beauties are some of the most nutritious plants you can consume.


Empowered to boost brain power, broccoli is one of the best brain foods readily available to us. Loaded with vitamin C, just one cup provides 150% of the daily recommended intake. It is also high in vitamin K and choline…both important to keeping memory super sharp.

One last note:

Now that you know some of the powerful foods that help boost brain power, you need to be aware of what destroys it.

The answer is simple:

Sugar. A high sugar diet can be very harmful to your brain. It induces inflammation, oxidative stress and messes with insulin regulation.

You are in control of what goes into your body. Why not do all you can to nurture a healthy brain? 

It clearly makes more sense to choose foods that contribute to the health, functionality and vitality of your brain rather than those that deplete it.

Being a successful entrepreneur requires a lot of brain power so keeping your brain in tip-top shape along with your body should be at the top of your “to do” list.

“Super Productivity Secrets”  was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about.

Tips to Boost Productivity and Relieve Stress…


Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to increase productivity and be the “best they can be” at their business/craft.

They are fully aware that the health of their business requires the health of their body and mind first. No one can make wise decisions when their bodies and minds are preoccupied with trying to get healthy.


Productivity requires both the body and mind to work together at peak performance.


Since all decisions affect our lifespan and the quality of life we lead, we must learn to treat our bodies as a business. One that requires attention and the proper tools to run efficiently.

Check out these 7 lifestyle choices that not only increase your productivity but boost your resistance to stress. Stress is an energy thief. Less stress means more productivity.


First and foremost, you must…

Believe –

You must first be in the right mindset that understands and accepts that health is your greatest asset and cannot be compromised. Exercise must be viewed as a mandatory activity because a healthy body cultivates a healthy mind and it must be supported with a healthy, natural diet.

Schedule –

It is ultimately important to schedule your healthy lifestyle choices (such as your fitness routines) on your calendar the same way you would any business appointment/schedule. This places priority status in your mind and your exercise sessions become a scheduled “appointment” rather than a negotiable activity.

Evaluate –

It’s important to track how your feel, how you eat/sleep, how much you weight and how much energy you have. This clues you into whether your lifestyle choices are working or not. If you are not happy with the results then it will be up to you to make changes, modify and improve your fitness and nutritional plans.

Get back on the train –

Understand from the get-go that you will “fall off the wagon” at some point. It’s just part of being human. This is a blessing if you look at it with the right perception. The energy it takes to life yourself up and get back on track will boost your resolve and make you stronger.

And, finally, why not create a…

“Stress Relief Toolbox?”

Simply make a list of the healthiest ways you can think of to relax and recharge then try and implement one or more of these ideas each day even on days when you’re already feeling good. This is how it becomes a habit. Here’s some examples to get you going…

Go for a walk –

Fresh air and sunshine does amazing things for your spirit.

Spend time in nature –

Like walking outdoors, spending time in nature reconnects us with this powerful force. Even a brisk, short walk will do wonders. Fresh air, vitamin D (from the sun) and exercise…the perfect formula for health and success.

Connect with a good friend –

Contact someone you trust and share some quality time. Your spirit will respond.

Write in your journal –

Your journal can be your best friend. It’s always there for you no matter your mood. You might be surprised at how it can clear your mind when you release your thoughts into it.

Play with a pet –

Because their love is unconditional, they are a joy to be around. We can release all our made up personas and just “be ourselves.”

Get a massage –

It’s time to treat yourself – to pamper you. Loving you is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Take a nice hot bath –

Like the above, take some quality time just for “you.” The rewards you feel will be worth it. Light some beautiful aromatherapy candles and relax into “peace of mind.”

Listen to your favorite music –

Music more than anything can incite moods. Listen to something uplifting – something that touches your inner spirit and makes you happy.

Watch a comedy –

TV is not all bad. Sometimes it’s the perfect avenue to lift lagging spirits and help us put things into perspective. Many comedies poke fun at life and this helps us to do the same. Turn on your favorite comedy and have a good laugh.

Work in your garden –

Like taking a nature walk, it’s therapeutic to work with living things. The energy we feel is healing.

The important thing is to stay active during your day.


Sedentary lifestyles shorten your lifespan. They are age accelerators. Staying active (with some sort of strength training involved) combined with smart, healthy eating is key to enjoying a long, healthy life. Healthy living is key to productivity – it’s hard to be productive from a hospital bed.

Start your day right with a super healthy breakfast. Then keep your energy levels up and your mind clear and sharp with balanced and nutrition meals and snacks throughout your day.

Discover the missing strategies that have kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about.

“Super Productivity Secrets”  is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about.

Lifestyle Choices That Increase Productivity


Our health is built on four pillars: physical activity (exercise), nutrition, mindset and stress management.

These components are closely interlinked and completely dependent on one another. They are the foundations of good health and wellness.

Entrepreneurs who consciously work at being fit and healthy enjoy many benefits beyond the physical. They enjoy unshakeable confidence. And unshakeable confidence is mandatory when influencing others and running a successful business.

When you feel healthy, you exude a certain “aura”…it shows. A high level of confidence comes across and you come across as being secure in yourself. You’ll be more certain about what you are saying when trying to influence others.

The level of confidence you achieve after putting in time and effort with healthy eating and exercise is like no other. It is an investment in yourself that you will never regret.

In addition to regular exercise and healthy eating, there are numerous lifestyle choices that increase your productivity and your attitude for better business along with boosting your resistance to stress.


Strategies you can easily put into play on a daily basis that increase productivity…


Wrap your brain around the conviction that your health is your greatest asset and you cannot compromise it. Make exercise a priority. A healthy body helps to cultivate a healthy mind. A healthy mind is a productive mind.

Explore and Strategise

Decide where you are going to work out as well as the frequency, time of day and if you are going to have a workout partner.


Set up your calendar and include your exercise schedule. If it’s on your calendar, you’re much more likely to stick to it and get it done. Treat these times as “non-negotiable.”


Keep track of your progress – how you feel, how you eat/sleep, how much weight you gain and how much energy you have. Evaluate how things are progressing after 2-3 weeks. If the program you adopted does not seem to be working, it’s time to make changes and improve it. If necessary, pay a trainer to get you on track and stick to your fitness plan. After 2-3 months of consistent hard work, you’ll enjoy a priceless exercise habit.

Stay Active

Humans were not created to sit motionless for hours in front of a TV or computer. A sedentary lifestyle only opens the door to bigger health problems. Sitting for a long period of time is linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and excess body fat.

Take breaks every hour for at least 5 minutes. Get a drink of water, stretch out breathe deeply and do some jumping jack, squats or push-ups to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. This not only energizes you, but it reboots your metabolic motor.

There are many built-in ways to be physical during every day. We just don’t take advantage of them. When you are out, rather than choosing the closest parking spot…choose the one farthest away. Include as much incidental exercise whenever possible. When you have a choice of taking the stairs or elevator…choose the stairs.

Be Aware of Stress Levels

Stress opens the door to a myriad of health issues and problems including fatigue, depression and anxiety. Failing to manage this all-too-prevalent component of an entrepreneur’s life can have devastating consequences. Believe it or not, 70 percent of hospital admissions can be traced back to unmanaged stress. This is not a healthy successful business strategy! Reduce stress by making time for fun and relaxation. You’ll be in a better place to handle life’s stressors.

Eat Healthy

Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress so be mindful of what you eat. Start your day out with a healthy breakfast and keep your energy levels up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

Get Enough Sleep

Deep, restful sleep is what fuels your mind as well as your body. Feeling tired increases stress and fogs your mind causing you to think irrationally.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Fresh air is good for us. Force yourself outside to get fresh air, vitamin D and exercise. Even a short brisk walk is enough to recharge your energy and clear your mind.

We should think of our body as a power unit, a macro economy that consists of multiple small enterprises. If you optimize the input to your body’s cells, you will gain maximum output and use the energy you have to the best advantage and in our case, building a business and lifestyle that is enjoyable, viable and sustainable for the long haul.

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets”  is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Boost Your Motivational Levels


Motivation is a magical energy. It is literally the “desire” to do something. The energy that pushes us forward. It can take us from no action to intense action in a split second it’s that powerful. It ebbs and flows like any other energy. Some days it feels more easily “on than others.

The crucial element in setting and reaching goals is without a doubt, motivation.

Lack this empowered feeling and what should be “ten pounds of weight” towards reaching a goal turns into an easy “fifty pounds” of heavy lifting.

The good news is, no one is permanently attached to any level of motivation they currently have. Research shows you are empowered and can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control.

There are creative tools you can use that will help boost your motivational levels so you can enjoy greater levels of success.


Motivational Tips to Keep You Committed


Play with others of like mind

If you don’t currently enjoy a circle of at least five people that you can surround yourself with that support and share your health and fitness goals, it’s time for you to actively find some. Surrounding yourself with people who are committed to leading active lifestyles will have a very positive effect at keeping you focused and committed towards your own health and fitness goals. Nearly all cities and large towns have fitness minded groups you can join. You can get together and enjoy fitness minded ventures as you socialize. It’s a win-win situation.


Challenge yourself to an event or race

If running is something you enjoy, enroll yourself in a race/event of some sort. If it’s swimming or walking, look for like-minded events. There are numerous kinds of races available now so finding one that meets your specific interests should not be that hard. Challenging yourself with a race will also provide you an alternate purpose for training. You won’t be doing it just to look and feel better but to achieve satisfactory results in your race.


Employ Smart Goal setting process

If your goals are not formulated properly, it will be much harder to reach them. Consider using the SMART goal setting process. SMART goals are: specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant and have a specific timeline in place. If your goal dos not satisfy these requirements then it’s time to set a new goal for yourself.

Make sure you continually reevaluate your goals as you make progress. Every 6-8 weeks take time to update them and adjust them to what’s most important in your life right now.


Keep an action log

chfitness0Keeping track of your progress in one form or another – pictures or journaling is the perfect avenue) and mandatory for motivational success. By writing down or documenting in some way the reps, sets, weight and so on that you do each day at the gym, you’ll have important tangible evidence that you are in fact getting stronger each time and moving closer to your goal.  This becomes the perfect inspirational tool to embrace on days when you feel as though you are not making the progress you hoped for.

Use a workout log for writing your workouts down.


Try new activities on a regular basis

Make sure you are taking the time to try new activities as you move through your exercise program. Try a new form of cardio training, possibly something you’ve never done before. Or, simply add some new strength training moves to your current workout routine. Whatever you choose…change is good.


Stay educated

It’s important to stay up to date on all the latest fitness information and theories because this takes you a long way towards staying committed. Increase your knowledge by reading fitness magazines on or offline. Doing this helps you to maintain the fitness and healthy mindset you need to call on when you are out of the gym. In effect, it allows you to “live it.”

Remember, motivational levels ebb and flow…they come and go.

This is natural and even the most motivated person will experience days when they cannot seem to “get motivated.” That’s all normal and fine. However, if your motivation starts to slip for days on end, you’ll need to take serious steps to get it back on track again.

“Just do it!” should be your mantra…

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets”  was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library.