Healthy Self-Esteem is Mandatory for Success in Life

you are wonderful!“People do not get what they want in life, they get what they believe they deserve.”

And, this is why your self-esteem is so important. In truth, you are the one that holds the key to making all your dreams come true.

Be it low or high, self-esteem is what influences your choices and decisions and in the end, your behavior.

Healthy self-esteem is without a doubt an integral key to long-term lasting success at anything and that includes your health which is paramount to success at all other things. It directly effects your confidence and self-image levels.


Damaging Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem causes you to place little or no value on yourself. It negatively effects your confidence levels.  Without confidence in what you are able to achieve, what chance do you have for happiness or success?

Those experiencing low self-esteem have a poor image of themselves and find it harder to socialize. Even setting goals is negatively affected because low self-esteem will not allow you to believe that you deserve to reach them. If you cannot believe that you deserve to reach your goals then you will never be motivated to manifest them.

Additionally, when it comes to overcoming adversity, those with low self-esteem are not resilient. They regard themselves as unworthy to achieve therefore allowing important issues to slide undone.

All low self-esteem does is keep you stuck, frustrated and unhappy. It drags you down and holds you down. It’s like “driving through life with you hand brake on.”


Benefits of High Self-Esteem

On the other hand, people that enjoy high self-esteem are motivated to take personal care of themselves while exploring their full potential. They like and respect themselves and strive towards fulfilling their personal aspirations and goals.

In reality, nothing good in life ever simply drops into your lap – you must decide for yourself what it is you want from life and then “go get it!”

Once you know that you are empowered to “flip the switch” and better yourself, you’ll refuse to settle for less than you should.

In order to shift from low self-esteem to high self-esteem you must know without a doubt that you really do deserve the best and decide that you will not settle for anything less than this. You must know where your power lies…within, not without. You must begin making decisions that enhance the value of your life rather than tearing it down.

You must monitor your mind to only believe positive things about yourself and stop comparing yourself to others. No two lives are identical and doing this only brings you down. Improve and adjust your self-image and rest on your own laurels. Appreciate you…for all that you are.

Increase your self-esteem and watch as other areas of your life such as “positive thinking” get a boost too.

Bottom line is this: Your potential to achieve in life is directly related to how you feel about yourself – your self-esteem.

Until you value yourself, you will never value and respect others. Place high value on yourself and your unique contribution to the world and watch as the world values you back.

“Super Productivity Secrets”  is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

11 Techniques to Stay Focused and Productive…


It’s rare for any of us to have a day that is not full of tasks, chores and responsibilities. How we divide up those tasks – what we tend to first or leave for last either contributes to our success or subtracts from it.

It can be difficult at best to not only keep up with this never-ending list of things to do but to be productive doing it.

There are proven techniques used by super-productive people that can help us stay on track and focused on what needs to be accomplished first.


Fostering Super-productivity

Rise early: Successful business people and entrepreneurs do not “sleep in.” They take advantage of every waking hour they can by rising early – usually around 5 am. They are fully aware that they must make “wise” use of their time if they hope to be productive and successful. Get a good night’s sleep by going to bed earlier…not by sleeping late.

Focus: Focusing on the task at hand is paramount to getting it done in the quickest and most efficient manner possible. Successful people train themselves to focus so that distractions cannot disturb their intention to get the job done.

Get Organized: It is way easier to stay focused when working in an organized and clean workspace. Your mind is not distracted by all the clutter that would otherwise stall your output. If you really want to get the most out of your time, clean out your workspace and watch your productivity increase.

Single Tasking: Contrary to what most of us believe about multi-tasking it does not help your productivity, in fact, it is a time waster. It actually distributes your energy in many directions…rather than focusing it in one area. You need razor sharp focus if you want to super-productivity not diluted energy. So, drop what you currently believe about multi-tasking and stick to getting the job done with “single-tasking.” You’ll get more accomplished in less time.

Create a “to do” schedule: Super-productive people have clear agendas in front of them before starting. They make a list of tasks that need accomplishing putting the most important things first. This keeps the lesser tasks from getting in the way.

Prioritize: Focus first on the things that are most important to building your business. Once you have accomplished those for the day then focus on lesser important tasks that may not be business related.

Use your peak time wisely: There are certain times of day (especially mornings) when our energy reserves are high and we are most alert and focused. That’s when you need to be doing your most difficult tasks. Leave the easier mundane repetitive tasks for times when you are not necessarily at peak performance.

Time-out: Taking short breaks is as important to productivity and success as the work itself. When you head starts feeling a little fuzzy and your mind begins to lose focus, it’s time to get up and move around. It’s time for a “mind and body break.” Take a brisk walk in the fresh air, make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the moment free and clear of any responsibilities. When you are finished your mind and your body will be ready to tackle “your stuff” again.

Avoid repetition: With energy reserves at a premium, you don’t want to be wasting them on repeating tasks that should have been done right the first time. Get it right the first time and you can move onto the next thing simple as that. You’ll accomplish way more by getting it right the first time around.

Follow through: Don’t stop the important things until you have finished them completely. Getting things “half-done or even nearly all the way done” does not cut it. Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can accomplish and finish today.

Reward yourself: This is especially true for tasks that you dislike and don’t look forward to doing. Entice yourself with a reward at the end for a job well done.

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets” is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Nutrient Dense Eating – Focus On Foods that Contribute to Your Health

chfitnessnowSince stress is often an open gateway to a myriad of other health issues such as fatigue, depression and anxiety, failing to manage stress (all too prevalent in an entrepreneur’s life) can have dire consequences on health.

The reality is, well-nourished bodies are much better equipped to cope with stress so it pays to be mindful of what you are eating. [Read more…]

Rise and Shine – Exercise Empowers You and Makes Your Morning Count…

rans2What sounds painful but feels so good? Rising early and exercising first thing.

Easier said than done right?

The reality is, getting up early and exercising first thing doesn’t initially appeal to many people…especially those who have developed the habit of “sleeping in.”

Whether it appeals to them or not, ongoing research proves that morning people are proactive and more productive and successful in their professional lives. Add exercise to the equation and you have a working formula for building a healthy body, a sharp mind and ultimately a successful life.

Exercising addresses not only your physical fitness but your emotional and your mental states as well. Let’s face it, it is much easier to make important business decisions and take action on those decisions throughout your day when your mind is clear and sharp and your body feels energized. That’s what exercise does for you. Why would you want to waste these attributes by waiting to exercise late in the day after you’ve made your decisions and taken your actions?

When you are internally and externally strong, your ability to achieve success and abundance is much greater.


Priorities are how you expend your daily energy consciously or subconsciously. Exercise must become a priority in your life and the best way to do that is to make it the first activity for the day before life’s many distractions and demands get in the way. You’ll not only get a super boost of energy, but you’ll enjoy and feel the benefits of the endorphin kick that exercise offers and feel good about yourself. When you feel empowered and good about yourself, you’ll be much more inclined to take the time to treat yourself to nutritious meals throughout your day adding another layer of health sort of like a domino effect.

Not a “morning person?” That may be true at the moment because it is the present perception you carry about your self, but perceptions can be changed by desire and will. Change your perceptions and your habits change.

What do you really want? If health and fitness are high on your priority list then becoming a “morning person” will be much easier.



Here’s some valuable tips to get you motivated and on track for your morning workout routine:

Prepare your Gear: If you prepare for your workout ahead of time, you’ll be much less likely to skip it. Set your workout clothes out the night before…socks, shoes and all. Get your sports bottle ready so when you wake in the morning all you’ll need to do is put on your workout gear and get going.

Pre-Program: Have your routine already in place in your mind before you retire the night before so there is no doubt about what you are to accomplish when you wake up.

Prepare the coffee: Have your coffee all set and ready for the “start” button the night before so you can focus on getting out the door as quickly as possible.

Alarm: Move your alarm away from your bedside so that when it goes off you have to get up out of bed to turn it off. You’ll be much less likely to hit the snooze button and sleep in. Some people even set multiple alarms. Turn the lights on and do what gets you moving.

Crash early: It’s much easier to rise in the morning and get moving when your body has gotten a complete night’s sleep. That means when you are scheduled for your morning workout, you retire a bit earlier rather than staying up to watch that late night movie. The movie will soon be forgotten but the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep and challenging workout in the next morning stay with you.

Pair with a partner: Especially helpful for those developing the habit of rising early and getting to the gym first thing but works for even the die-hard pro. Having someone to answer to is priceless. You’ll be less likely to skip your workout if someone is waiting for you.

Reward: Everyone loves a reward…it gives us something to look forward to. Your reward can be something you eat or something you do…whatever it is that might give you that boost of pleasure and motivate you to get your workout in will work. The sky is the limit.

Once you begin to feel the effects that your early morning exercise routine offers, it becomes easier and easier to motivate yourself to get it done. The bottom line is this:

“Just do it!”…

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets”  was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library.

Strengthen Your Mind like You Strengthen Your Body by Using It…

concentration2Strengthening your mind can be compared to strengthening your body. Both involve muscles.

The muscles of the brain are strengthened from activity and exercise the same way that your body’s other muscles are…or they sit and atrophy if not used and challenged the same way your body’s muscles do.

Let’s face it, you cannot build strong body muscles by sitting on the couch all day and neither can you build your mind musclesyour strong powers of concentration and attention when you are not challenging your mind muscles.

Mind muscles, just like the other muscles in the body require stimulation and resistance in the form of challenges in order to stretch current limitations, grow and increase focus, attention and concentration.

Attention is the ability to place focus on certain stimulus or train of thought while ignoring everything else.

Attention mastery begins when we are able to direct our attention away from distractions and keep focused on and working towards what’s important. What we put our attention towards and what we ignore directly shapes our reality because we’re working with energy.

In reality, it’s way too easy to get “mind” distracted these days. With all the social sites and digital technology readily at our fingertips the temptation to stray off to Facebook or read a few emails for a few minutes is all too real. It takes willpower to ignore these types of distractions and stay focused on the issue at hand.

Admonishments from parents or past teachers come ringing in our ears – “Pay attention” is all too familiar to most of us.


Practice makes perfect: Gaining mastery over your mind and how it operates and uses its energy allotment is not unlike working out your body.

Developing and increasing your powers of concentration and attention is similar to developing physical strength – you can increase the duration and quality of your attention and focus with patience, persistence and practice.

Multi-tasking is a no-no. It is detrimental to staying focused and putting attention in one area, so it’s important to stop multi-tasking. You might believe you area accomplishing a few things at one time but in reality, you are only shifting your attention back and forth between tasks and diluting your energy on each one. Since you are only allotted so much of this “attention fuel” if you waste it juggling your attention energy then your brain likely won’t have the juice to plow through the really important stuff when it arrives.

Using your mind only once in a while for intense purposes of concentration will not help you to increase your focus and attention. Work-out your mind several times daily for short periods of time if you really want to challenge it.


Use it or Lose it:

Some key tips to strengthening your mind power…

Be mindful: As you go about your day, direct and focus your attention on your ordinary everyday activities that you are doing in the moment. When something comes along that you really need to concentrate on your mind will be calm and ready to produce optimal results rather than scattered in a million different directions trying to multi-task.

Refresh and refocus: When energy levels are low and you feel your concentration fading, immediately refocus your mind and affirm your intention to concentrate and be focused. Give yourself a true “wake-up” call and be firm but gentle with yourself.

Learn something new: According to Einstein – anyone that spends 15 minutes a day learning something new, will in a year or so become an expert! Take a challenging new class. Try chess, tai chi, yoga, or take up the piano or get involved in art classes. Challenge your mind to learn something new.

Get our of your routine: Make your brain feel uncomfortable. Activate the other side of your brain by doing the opposite of what feels natural. It’s a great way to gain access to both hemispheres. Use your other hand to write with or play games such as table tennis, use your mouse with your other hand. Challenge your brain to create new neural pathways and connections.

Remember, the mind like the body requires time to recover after being used intensively. So, getting the proper rest for your mind…just like you give your body between workouts is important to maintaining “mind” health.

Super concentration, attention to the moment and productivity will be your rewards.

Developing mental toughness, concentration and attention does not happen overnight. It takes patience and time to build and develop these healthy traits  but once they are built, they will serve you well in all areas of your life for years to come.

Check out “Super Productivity Secrets.” It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library developed and written for entrepreneurs and others that are ready and willing to operate at full capacity.

Start Your Day the Health Shake Way…

chfitness9Looking to get the most out of your day? Do you see the value in being alert, sharp and clear in mind when making business or even personal decisions? Are you struggling to lose weight?

Enjoying a healthy breakfast is key to kick starting your metabolism and burning more calories. It provides energy to accomplish things, a razor sharp focus for any decisions that come your way and studies reveal that it also sharpens memory and concentration. [Read more…]

Your Perfect Time for Exercise…

fitness time1

Have you ever wondered when the best time of day is to exercise or if there is even a “perfect time?”

Healthy entrepreneurs will often exercise first thing in the morning. They are fully aware of how busy their lives are and know that if they don’t make exercise a priority in their lives that it’s likely that something will come between them and their routines at some point during their day. They are also fully aware of how exercise can sharpen the mind and set them up for clarity as well as rev their engines up (kicking their metabolism in) with plenty of energy for their busy day.

But, what about you? What is your perfect time to exercise?


Your perfect time

The perfect time for exercise is the “best time for you.” This equation works out differently for everyone because everyone has different preferences.

It’s really that simple so don’t over complicate it. We all live different lives and must make that determination for ourselves. The perfect time to exercise is the time that you will do it consistently and based on many factors including: type of activity you choose to do and the location and time of day you are doing it.

Some people are tighter on time than others and choose to break up their exercise into shorter increments such as 10 minutes at a time while others choose to get their daily workouts in in one session.

Other people are not “morning” people so getting up early in order to get exercise in just doesn’t work for these individuals and in fact, may eventually cause them to give up exercise altogether. Truth is, the time of day can and does influence how you “feel” about exercising because of the body’s circadian rhythm. You are either an early bird or a night owl and only you can determine that by your feelings when exercising.

Although many people believe that people who exercise in the morning tend to do better and stick to it longer, the trick is to find what works for you and stick to it – make it a habit. Don’t try and be like “everyone else” or feel as though you must copy what your best friend is doing just because it works for them.


Things to consider

But do take your sleep into consideration because you don’t want to sabotage your body’s urge to sleep and exercising too late can do that because it raises your heart rate – not conducive to a good night’s sleep. And, without a good night’s sleep you won’t feel up to par the next day and the likelihood of skipping your workout that day looms big so you really don’t gain anything from it.

And, don’t exercise right after eating a meal because your body will use this energy to digest your food rather than sending blood to your muscles. Wait approximately 90 minutes before exercising.

Although more is better, any kind of exercise is better than sitting still and leading a sedentary lifestyle. No matter what time of day you choose is best for you the same amount of calories are going to be burned and your body still receives the benefits whether its morning, noon or early evening.

So, just do it!

Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about. “Super Productivity Secrets”  is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. It was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about.

Exercise Helps Your Productivity In Other Areas


There’s one thing that nearly all fit and healthy people have in common…

The ability to improve their productivity.

Although each one of us is allotted the same amount of time daily – 24 hours. It’s how we use that time that counts.

“Lack of time” is generally the most popular excuse when it comes to avoiding exercise. [Read more…]

Exercise and Brain Health…

healthy mind healthy body


While it’s true that many areas of your health will be positively impacted when you stick to a regular exercise program, you may not realize the serious implications it presents for brain health as well. Most likely you are focused on burning calories, changing your body composition, building muscle or strengthening your cardiovascular system.

Truth is, exercise is key to reaching portions of your brain and thought processes that you would otherwise never reach. It can literally change brain anatomy and physiology. It prepares and encourages nerve cells to bind to each other and stimulates the development of new nerve cells from stem cells located in the hippocampus – an area of the brain related to learning and memory.



Because the human brain evolved under conditions of near constant motion, it would seem that the “optimal environment for processing information would include motion.” Indeed that is exactly what one finds.

Seems regular exercise boosts brain power the same way that physical activity strengthens your muscles. In 30 minutes of exercise we can gain brain matter, have better cognitive skills, improve our memory, increase alertness and learn better.

Regular exercise helps to clear the mind and once the mind is clear and you are able to think clearly, you open the way for great ideas to manifest. You easily solve present issues and let go of old ones that you have no control over during an exercise session and the end result is a clean slate. If you don’t clear your mind slate eventually your internal mess creates “internal stress” and that’s what shortens your lifespan.

One study in Neurology revealed that exercise helps to slow brain shrinkage in those with early Alzheimer’s disease. Adults diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s who were less active physically had 4 times more brain shrinkage than normal older adults.

And studies don’t stop there. Even the youth prove that exercise is mandatory to good brain health. According to research, students with high levels of cardiovascular fitness fare better in subjects like English, Science and Mathematics than those that are less active.

Because brain cells depend very heavily on oxygen (increased oxygen is associated with optimal brain functioning),  it turns out your exercise sessions provide more than that “feel-good endorphin boost” – they increase oxygen flow to the brain giving you an oxygen high resulting in mental sharpness.



Proper exercise does not need to be time consuming nor does it have to be tortuous for you to reap the benefits that serve for the long haul. However, as we age, exercise is not negotiable…it is mandatory because if your brain is not functioning optimally, you won’t be living to your full potential.

Besides all the physical benefits that exercise provides, exercise is a drug for your brain.

It boosts brain power, soothes the soul and improves over-all well-being. We’d be wise to spend less time sitting in front of a computer or in a classroom environment studying and more time focused on physical activity.

“Super Productivity Secrets”  was written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity. It is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library. Discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about.

Health, Fitness and Business Success are Closely Related…

hgh levelsEntrepreneurs are a special breed of people. They realize that in order to get where they want to be, they will have to make sacrifices along the way…it’s all part of the game. In order to experience the success they seek, they will have to give up things that others simply won’t…this is what separates them from the crowd.

Unfortunately many entrepreneurs focus so much on achieving their outer goals that they forget to give their bodies the attention needed. The long hours and hectic pace they keep and the added stress compromises their health but they don’t become aware of it until they find themselves in their 50’s and beyond.

Suddenly they are up against premature aging and poor health. All those long hours, stress filled days and consistent demanding pace has taken its toll and their health is suffering and on a downward spiral. [Read more…]